I will only approve government reclamation projects – Duterte

MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte on Saturday declared that during his term, he would only allow government reclamation projects. and disallow “massive reclamation” of projects launched by the private sector.

“There is only one thing that I’d like to make it clear now, during my time: I will only allow, maybe plans, of whatever reclamation if it is in connection with the government project,” Duterte said during the inauguration of the Sangley Point International Airport in Cavite.

“I will not allow massive reclamation for the private sector, not now. Because if I approve one, I approve all,” he added.

He then cited the case of Manila Bay, where it was reported that 10,000 hectares of it — stretching from Manila to Cavite — were supposed to undergo 25 reclamation projects, some of which were already had notices to proceed soon.

Previously, the President expressed that he was inclined to approve against the “massive” reclamation projects.

Duterte said that if he would approve such projects launched by private sectors, he might “choke Manila.”

“The entire Manila City would be environmentally at peril. So you should study it carefully. The next administration, whoever gets to be President of this country, study carefully. Because that Manila there, that is an old city and it will decay if you add so many things in front of Manila Bay,” he said.

Last year, Duterte ordered the transfer of power to approve reclamation projects from the National Economic Development  Authority (Neda) to the Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA), which he then placed under the Office of the President (OP).

The PRA, as mandated by the President, was also tasked to seek “advisory opinions” from other agencies such as Neda, the Department of Finance and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources with regard to reclamation project proposals.
