Sinulog Football cup coaches’ meeting today

ORGANIZERS of this weekend’s 2nd Sinulog Football Cup is calling all the head coaches of the participating teams to the final coaches’ meeting at 6 p.m. today at the conference room of the Cebu City Sports Center.

Tournament manager Francis Ramirez said it is important for the teams to send representatives to the meeting as schedules of the matches will be announced.

Teams seeing action in this 7-a-side festival-type tournament reached 215 after Ramirez amended their earlier decision to no longer accept entries this week so as not to disrupt the schedule that they already plotted.

“They begged us to reconsider and since most of them come from out of town, we relented,” Ramirez said, who added that no teams will be accepted after tonight’s final coaches’ meeting./CORRESPONDENT MARS G. ALISON