PCOO’s Instagram account hacked

MANILA, Philippines — The official Instagram account of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) has been hacked, a PCOO official said Wednesday.

“We decry the malicious act by unknown individuals who hacked the Presidential Communications Operations Office’s Instagram Page, with the handle @pcoogov. We are now looking into this matter and have coordinated with Facebook to resolve it immediately,” Assistant Secretary for Global Media and Public Affairs Jusan Vincent Arcena said in a statement.

The official said the account has been locked by Facebook’s team so the hackers will no longer be able to use the account.

“In the meantime, we ask our followers to disregard any present and future activities on our Instagram page, until such time that the matter is resolved,” he added.

As of writing time, the PCOO’s official Instagram page currently has a display photo and caption containing Arabic letters and is following only seven accounts.