Unite vs drugs, corruption, criminality — Duterte

MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday urged Filipinos to emulate national hero Dr. Jose Rizal and protect the country from illegal drugs, corruption, and criminality.

In his Rizal Day message, Duterte honored Rizal “whose life and legacy have inspired countless others to dedicate their lives to serve the nation.”

“Rizal’s ardent love of country and unfettered desire to cultivate not only his intellect but also the intelligence of his countrymen have led to a reawakening of the Filipinos’ patriotism and sense of responsibility,” he said.

The President urged Filipinos to follow the “shining example” of Rizal, and emulate him by thinking “of the greater good.”

“May the freedom we now enjoy as a people be cherished, be further fortified and be kept thriving through the solidarity that we show in combating the ills of illegal drugs, corruption, and criminality,” he said.

He called on Filipinos to “keep the embers of nationalism alive as we courageously face the challenges of apathy and divisiveness, and triumph over them just like what Rizal tenaciously did more than 120 years ago.”

“Together, let us strengthen and protect our liberty that our heroes so unselfishly shed their blood for,” he said.