This Week’s Festivals: Dec. 22-28, 2019
Dec. 22 to 31: Kalamayan Festival
Christmas will be sweet for residents of Victorias in Negros Occidental as the city celebrates the Kalamayan Festival, whose name came from the word “kalamay,” which is Ilonggo for sugar.
Activities, which will run until New Year’s Eve, include a boodle fight, a musical show, a motor trade show, as well as a gift-giving and feeding program.
Maytinis Festival
An original Kawit tradition that takes place every Christmas Eve, a dramatic retelling of the Virgin Mary and Joseph’s search in Bethlehem for a place to stay called “Panunuluyan”. This re-enactment happens on the streets of Kawit with different floats depicting different biblical scenes from Adam and Eve up to Mary and Joseph.
Dec. 24: Maytinis Festival
A yearly Christmas tradition in Kawit, Cavite province, that features a procession of carriages meant to highlight the journey of Joseph and Mary’s search for an inn for Jesus Christ’s birth.
This year’s theme is “Maytinis: Mayamang Tradisyon, Pamana sa Kabataan Ngayon.”
Dec. 27: Binaybayon Festival
Residents of Baybay City in Leyte province pay homage to their patroness, Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, with the theme, “Love and Unity through the Immaculate Conception, our Merciful Patroness.”
Compiled by Kathleen de Villa, Inquirer Research