QC gov’t warns motorists visiting cemeteries: Park cars properly, be wary of illegal towing

MANILA, Philippines – The local government unit (LGU) of Quezon City has reminded motorists visiting cemeteries for this All Saints’ and All Souls’ days  to park their cars only in designated parking zones.

According to lawyer Ariel Inton, the city’s traffic czar, people paying respects to their dead relatives should be wary of unauthorized parking attendants who may lead them into illegal parking spots.

“Our QCTF-TTM enforcers are on keen and strict watch over this illegal parking modus this year and beyond. Those who will violate and break our rules will be immediately apprehended as illegally parked vehicles,” Inton said in a statement on Thursday.

He also reminded motorists that the parking areas were  marked properly so that they would not be confused.

“We urge the public to look and inquire our enforcers on the ground on the actual days of Undas on our designated parking spaces on their respective cemeteries,” he explained.

“Rest assured that our designated parking spaces were properly labeled with proper signages so that the public will be informed,” Inton added.

Inton said that the problem of illegally parked vehicles has been a long standing problem during the commemoration of All Souls’ Day as it contributes to heavy traffic and road obstruction.

But aside from this warning, Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte also reminded motorists of a towing company claiming to have been authorized by the local government to conduct operations.

Belmonte said that aside from teams from the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), they have not authorized any towing company to do towing operations.

“As of now, the City has not authorized any towing company to conduct any towing service within our jurisdiction,” she said in a separate statement.

According to Belmonte, concerned citizens informed her office that a certain GSD Towing Service has been towing cars without the city government’s consent. She urged victims of the said company to lodge complaints using the city’s Hotline 122.

“We encourage residents, especially those who were victimized by this illegal towing company, to report to us so we can take proper action against it,” Belmonte noted.