Switzerland donates P14M for storm relief efforts

MANILA, Philippines—Switzerland has donated some 300,000 Swiss francs (about P14 million) to support the Philippine government’s rehabilitation efforts for the victims of tropical storm “Sendong” in northern Miindanao, the Department of Foreign Affairs said Monday.

Citing a report of the Philippine Embassy in Bern, the DFA also said the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation would dispatch a four-man team of water and sanitation experts to flood-ravaged areas in the cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan.

“The Swiss relief assistance will be provided in coordination with the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council,” said the foreign office.

Earlier, Swiss President Micheline Calmy Rey wrote President Aquino a letter, expressing sympathy to the victims of the calamity and assuring the Philippines of Swiss assistance.

In 2009, the Swiss government gave a total of 1.5 million Swiss francs for the rehabilitation of areas devastated by Typhoon “Ondoy.”

“Swiss aid to the Philippines demonstrates the strong partnership of the two countries as they celebrate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the first Swiss consulate in Asia in Manila on March 18, 2012,” noted DFA spokesperson Raul Hernandez.

Meanwhile, staff of the Philippine Embassy in Tel Aviv, as well as some Filipinos based in Israel, have raised a little over $800 for Sendong victims.

Embassy Charge d’Affaires Ferdinand Flores said “this small gesture symbolizes the inherent Filipino trait of bayanihan, which calls for unity and compassion, especially in times of danger and calamities.”

“We have received reports of similar initiatives being undertaken by the Filipino community in Israel. We will continue to monitor these activities. The embassy has disseminated information on how and where to remit the collected funds. We will always be availab le and ready to provide advice on how to proceed with remittances (to concerned government agencies in Manila),” Flores added.