Cop on shooting spree kills 1, wounds 2

A policeman went on a shooting spree in Sampaloc, Manila, on Christmas Eve, killing a man and wounding two others.

PO1 Lloyd Fernandez, 30, assigned with the Regional Public Safety Battalion of the National Capital Region Police Office in Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig City, was arrested by fellow policemen after he shot Roberto Solis during an altercation on Saturday evening.

He then went on to shoot two other men identified as Jay Valenzuela, 40;  and Richard Zapanta, 32; after a few minutes.

According to the police, Fernandez shot the 26-year-old Solis in front of the latter’s house on Loreto Street.

The victim’s father, Alberto, said they were out drinking on the sidewalk when the policeman passed by on his motorcycle and asked that they  move out of his way.

He also demanded that they move a car which was parked nearby.

This led to a commotion which prompted Solis, who was minding his family’s store, to come out of their house.

At this point, the policeman pulled out his gun and began shooting, hitting Solis thrice. He then sped away toward Tuazon Street, according to  Alberto. Solis was rushed to Ospital ng Sampaloc but he died of his wounds.

Upon reaching an alley near Tuazon Street, Fernandez met two more groups which were also drinking in public. He fired at them, hitting  Valenzuela and Zapanta, according to  Manila Police District Station 4 Supt. Rolando Balasabas.

Based on the testimony of witnesses, Balasabas said tempers rose as Fernandez tried to bully the groups into giving way to him after he introduced himself as a policeman.

Fernandez, however, replied: “So what if you’re a policeman? Why are you passing through here anyway?”

As the residents were rushing the wounded to the hospital, they came upon Balasabas and other Station 4 personnel who were on patrol and asked for help. Balasabas and his team were able to catch Fernandez who was still arguing with other residents.

Residents were so enraged at Fernandez, “it was as if they wanted to tear down our station,” Balasabas narrated. “They thought since we were all policemen, we were trying to protect him,” he added.

Alberto, having been alerted by neighbors that the shooter had been apprehended, went to the police station where he positively identified Fernandez as the one who killed his son.

“When [Solis’ father] was hurling curses and accusations at [Fernandez], he only bowed his head and remained quiet,” Balasabas said.