Controversial cop in trouble anew

A policeman who was demoted twice found himself in trouble again.

PO2 Joseph Glen Burlas was accused of mauling a habal-habal driver Thursday night for obstructing traffic outside a mall in Talisay City, southern Cebu.

The driver Helben Campo, 46, said this was his fourth encounter with the policeman who reprimanded him again for parking in the area.

This time, the driver said he was determined to file charges against Burlas.

Burlas, who is assigned at the Alert Team of the Talisay City police, was on leave at the time.

In a text message, Burlas denied the allegation of physical abuse.

“Kung ako siy’ng gikulata, dili kaha siya malata? (If it’s true I mauled him, he’d be badly beaten up),” Burlas said.

Burlas said he was ready to face any charges filed against him.

Campo said he parked his motorcycle around 6 p.m. outside a mall to wait for passengers.

Burlas, who was in civilian clothes, reprimanded him and asked not to park in the area to avoid causing traffic.

Campo said he told the policeman that he had no right to shoo him away since it was a private area.

The two men argued. The driver said he was mauled.

“I didn’t fight back because he was armed,” said Campo in Cebuano when interviewed by radio dySS.

The driver went to the Talisay District Hospital to get a medical certificate for his injuries to support a complaint.

Talisay City police chief Eddie Recamara said the incident will be investigated.

Last year, Burlas was accused of threatening a mother and a daughter who reported a mauling incident at the Minglanilla police station.

The person accused in the mauling was reportedly close to Burlas. Because of the incident, Burlas was transferred from Minglanilla to Tuburan town.

In 2008, Burlas was accused of pointing a gun and slapping a tricycle driver following a traffic accident at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Minglanilla./CORRESPONDENT GABRIEL C. BONJOC