Integrated Bar: Impeach raps vs Corona flawed

MANILA, Philippines—The impeachment complaint against Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona “suffers from fatal constitutional infirmities” and other defects in form and substance, the Integrated Bar of the Philippines said Wednesday.

In a press conference, the IBP Board of Governors also questioned Congress’ decision to impeach and “single out” Corona for collegial decisions of the Supreme Court.

“By impeaching the Chief Justice based on collegial decisions… the 188 congressmen have in effect arrogated upon themselves the power to interpret the laws, which is a clear violation of separation of powers and judicial independence,” said the IBP in a statement read by its president Roan Libarios.

The IBP pointed out, however, that its stand was not a defense of Corona but of the entire justice system, saying such the impeachment proceedings, having a become a partisan exercise, disrupt the Constitutional balance of power.

“The issue goes beyond Coronoa. The issue is judicial independence, respect for constitutional guarantees. We ‘re not here to defend the chief justice, we’re here in defense of the rule of law, judicial independence,” Libarios said.

The IBP, however, will not be a party to petitions against the impeachment complaint to maintain its independence as an organization of law practitioners.

Instead, it will hold forums to inform the public about how the impeachment complaint could affect judicial independence.  The organization will also closely monitor proceedings at the Senate in relations to Corona’s impeachment trial.