LIST: Canceled flights on July 19

LIST: Canceled flights on July 19 stock photo

MANILA, Philippines — Several flights were canceled on Friday, July 19, due to inclement weather, the Manila International Airport Authority (Miaa) announced.

In an advisory, Miaa said the following flights have been canceled:


M8 816 Manila – Basco

M8 817 Basco Manila

The weather bureau reported that a low-pressure area (LPA) re-entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on Friday and intensified into Tropical Depression “Goring.”

Tropical cyclone wind signal number 1 was raised over Batanes, where moderate to at times heavy rains can be experienced. Ilocos Region and Babuyan Group of Islands will have light to moderate to at times heavy monsoon rains.

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READ: LPA develops to Tropical Depression ‘Goring’