AFP: No intel report on Egyptian terrorists

MANILA, Philippines — The Armed Forces of the Philippines has debunked claims by a security analyst that an Egyptian couple is in the country to launch bombing attacks and to encourage locals to conduct suicide bombings in Mindanao.

“We have no information on the alleged Egyptian couple in cahoots with the local terrorist Abu Sayyaf group,” AFP spokesperson Brig. Gen. Edgard Arevalo said on Tuesday.

He noted that the AFP was still looking into the June 28 twin blast at the Army 1st brigade headquarters in Indanan, Sulu. “But we have no report, so far, pointing to the participation of the Egyptian couple,” Arevalo said.

AFP Western Mindanao Command chief, Lt. Gen. Cirilito Sobejana, also told reporters that he had not received such a report on an Egyptian couple.