Eriguel won La Union seat, House declares

MANILA, Philippines—The House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET) last week upheld the election in 2010 of Eufranio Eriguel as the duly elected representative of the second district of La Union.

Eufranio Eriguel. Photo from

“I feel very happy and more resolute because of this victory. This only proves that the votes I got in the 2010 elections truly reflect the overwhelming vote of support of the people in the second district,” said Eriguel, who was mayor of Agoo, La Union, for three terms.

The HRET dismissed the election protest filed by Thomas L. Dumpit for lack of merit. Eriguel’s victory marked a change of leadership in the district from the Dumpit clan.

Winning margin

The HRET decision said that based on the canvassed and consolidated official results, Eriguel obtained 121,236 votes while Dumpit got 63,622, for a winning margin of 57,614 votes in the May 10, 2010, elections.

The decision said that after a recount, Eriguel’s margin even increased. “…[P]rotestee’s original margin of 57,614 votes increased to 57,709, or an additional 95 votes for protestee,” the tribunal said.

“This decision should send a strong signal to my detractors who continue to question the legitimacy of my [holding] office,” Eriguel said.