This map provided by the Department of Defense on June 20, 2019, shows the site where they say a U.S. Navy RQ-4 drone was shot down. AP
WASHINGTON — Singapore Airlines and Malaysia Airlines are joining other airlines in rerouting flights away from the Strait of Hormuz area after Iran shot down a US military drone there.
Singapore Airlines said on Friday that some of its flights will take “slightly longer routings” to avoid the area because of the ongoing tensions. It said the safety of its customers was its top priority and that it continuously reviews the areas that it overflies.
Malaysia Airlines said it has rerouted its flights to and from London, Jeddah and Medina because “safety is of utmost importance.” It said it is closely monitoring the situation and will be guided by various assessments, including security reports and advice from airspace control authorities.
British Airways, Australia’s Qantas and Dutch carrier KLM earlier announced they will reroute flights away from the Strait of Hormuz.
German Chancellor Angel Merkel says European countries are still hoping that there can be a political solution to the tensions between the United States and Iran.
Merkel told reporters in Brussels on Friday that European governments’ foreign policy advisers had met on the sidelines of a European Council meeting to discuss the tensions in the region.
She says “naturally we are worried about the situation and we’re counting on diplomatic negotiations for a political solution to a very tense situation.”
Merkel did not elaborate further on her comments. /ee