A fully charged Christmas season | Inquirer News

A fully charged Christmas season

/ 07:05 AM December 18, 2011

It’s Christmas in trying times as seen in the very few Christmas decorations in residences and commercial establishments, the toned down parties (most of these parties were held earlier than usual), the not-so-many shoppers. But certain activities by women’s groups served as a punctuation to the year’s lineup of activities.  The Legal Alternatives for Women Center, Inc. (LAW, Inc.) launched its website last Dec. 10  with the blessing of the Atty. Arbet Sta. Ana-Yongco Training Hall and House of Justice and Healing, which is actually the residence of the late Atty. Arbet and also serves as the office of LAW Inc. The date was significant for it was the International Human Rights Day with the theme “ Women’s Rights are Human Rights”. The day before was the birthday of Atty. Arbet.  It was a whole-day affair as LAW Inc. had a Christmas party with their partners and the monthly Women’s Kapihan held at the Training Hall through phone patch. The website of LAW Inc. is www.lawcenter.org. One can find the ordinances on women’s concerns where LAW Inc has been instrumental, the 100 Sugbuanang Tag-una (Cebuana Trailblazers), the projects of LAW Inc., and Law Inc.’s publication Linkages.

It has been one year and a half since I had my dialysis twice a week and I never saw it as an ordeal. It’s because the staff of the Renal Services of Perpetual Succor Hospital are very real, compassionate and the personification of total loving care. There is a beautiful bonding between  patients and the doctors and nurses. It’s nice to hear the nurses greeting and calling the older patients “lolo” and “lola”, the middle aged patients “daddy” and “mommy”, and the younger patients “ma’am” and “sir”. Despite their very full schedules, they still have time to call their patients to remindi them of their scheduled session. Always wearing a smile and keeping their cool, they can convince the patient not to be afraid in case of insertions or accidents.  If there are cancellations, they call some patients  to replace the absent ones. There is indeed a pleasant atmosphere at the Renal Services of Perpetual Succor Hospital. So when they  threw a Christmas Party for  patients last December 11 at the Montebello Hotel, it was like a family affair with the nurses and the doctors presenting  dance renditions to the delight of the patients, and the games and raffles where those present received prizes in the form of the things needed during dialysis. Thank you to the staff of the Renal Services for the wonderful service.

The diamond jubilee celebration of the Cebu City Charter in Feb. 24, 2012 was launched on December 12 at the Ayala Center (exactly 75 days before  Charter Day). It will be a yearlong celebration with  activities  lined up for Feb.  24, 2012 to Feb.  23, 2013   One of the activities is the Search for the 75 outstanding Cebuano families who contributed to the development of Cebu City. Dubbed the Search for Cebu City @75, the search goes down to the barangay level. Once the 75 families have been selected, finalized and announced, there will be a  balik familia program held monthly in honor of the families, which includes a package tour. A series of memorial lectures will be hosted by colleges and universities with the lecture theme  related to the contribution of the selected family. A flower festival, a literary heritage festival, and exhibits of local artists are among the activities slated for the diamond jubilee year. Games and contests will also be held. Nine concerts have been scheduled at the Plaza Independencia, just watch out for the announcements. The core group and the search committee have been meeting weekly for updates of  the preparations. The festive mood of the city will not end with the Sinulog 2012.


The Misa de Gallo has started and churches are overflowing with churchgoers. Like last year, I intend to have a 100% attendance of the nine-day Misa de Gallo. I attend dawn mass at the Redemptorist Church not just for the pamainit after the mass and the enlightening homilies, but it is very convenient for me to proceed to the hospital for my scheduled dialysis  after the pamainit and the mass.

My yearend planner  indicates  where I will be during the holidays and these include yearend meetings of projects and  golden wedding anniversaries. This is indeed a fully charged season but next year will be even more. I wish everyone a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

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TAGS: Christmas, Paskong pinoy

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