Hong Kong leader Lam apologizes but won’t resign

HONG KONG — Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has apologized for an extradition bill that set off massive protests and indicated it is unlikely to be revived.

She also said at a news conference on Tuesday that she intends to finish her term as the city’s chief executive, suggesting she will not heed calls for her to step down.

Lam has been the focus of criticism from many in Hong Kong for having sought to push through the legislation, which would allow some suspects to be sent to mainland China for trial.

Lam has become the focus of derision by many in Hong Kong for having sought to push through the legislation, which would allow some suspects to be sent to mainland China for trial.

Lam said previously the legislation would be suspended, but protesters are demanding that it be scrapped altogether.

An estimated 2 million people marched against Lam and the legislation on Sunday. Government headquarters reopened Tuesday as the number of protesters dwindled to a few dozen.

The announcement of her 4 p.m. briefing did not say if Lam would answer questions from the media. /ee