Makabayan solons oppose ban of prov’l buses on Edsa

Bayan Muna leaders and Makabayan bloc congressmen on Friday asked the Supreme Court to scrap the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority’s (MMDA) regulation barring provincial buses and bus terminals along Edsa.

The 20-page petition for certiorari and prohibition with plea for the issuance of a temporary restraining order and/or writ of preliminary injunction was filed by Bayan Muna chair and lawyer Neri Colmenares, Bayan Muna Rep. Carlos Isagani Zarate, Gabriela Representatives Emmi de Jesus and Luz Ilagan, Anakpawis Rep. Ariel Casilao, ACT Teachers Representatives Antonio Tinio and France Castro, Kabataan Rep. Sarah Jane Elago and Quezon City Judge Cleto Villacorta III.

“In one fell swoop, the MMDA has effectively breached the respective business permits of all the public utility bus operators and public utility vehicle operators along Edsa, and closed all their respective terminals in all the covered areas,” the petitioners said.

“This anticommuter and antipoor policy practically bans commuters, including senior citizens and persons with disabilities riding in the affected provincial buses, from directly entering Metro Manila because there are no longer any terminals for the provincial buses they are riding in. They will have to find and transfer to another transport allowed to enter Metro Manila, not only imposing a massive burden on the hapless commuters but also additional cost to them,” they added.

MMDA exceeded its powers

The petitioners also said the MMDA exceeded its powers when it issued the regulation, adding that the high court itself had recognized that the MMDA does not possess legislative or police powers.

They also said that the MMDA regulation “unconstitutionally discriminates” against provincial buses and their riders and that the agency “went beyond what was reasonably necessary” to solve the traffic problem on Edsa.