Tomas O says he’s free of cancer

REP. Tomas Osmeña of Cebu City’s south district can now look forward to a cancer-free Christmas next week.

In text messages sent to Cebu Daily News, Osmeña said Dr. Ashish Kamat of the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas declared him “cancer free” after his biannual medical checkup last Wednesday.

“It’s all good news,” Osmeña quoted Kamat as telling him and wife, Margot, after reading results of his laboratory tests. But he did not elaborate.

The Osmeñas left for the U.S. last Dec. 13 for the congressman’s medical checkup, which was supposedly scheduled in November.

However, it was postponed this month since Councilor Margot Osmeña, as budget committee chairperson of the City Council, had to stay for the passage of the city’s 2012 budget.

The Osmeña family is expected to return to Cebu City on Dec. 21 to celebrate Christmas here.

But even before they could return to Cebu, Rep. Osmeña said he wanted Cebuanos to know that he was well.

His laboratory results, Osmeña said, did not show any signs of cancer.

“Margot, Miguel and I thank all those who prayed for my good health,” he said in a text message sent to Cebu Daily News.

Osmeña lost his gall bladder in 2009 after it was found to have cancer.

The removal of his bladder was necessary to prevent the cancer from spreading in his body. Chief of Reporters Doris C. Bongcac