Cops nab taxi driver for allegedly robbing Malaysian passenger 

MANILA, Philippines — Police arrested a 61-year-old taxi driver for allegedly robbing his Malaysian passenger in Pasay City on Wednesday afternoon.

Pasay police said the arrested suspect, Jose Sajul, pulled out a knife and forcibly took P6,000 from 22-year-old Tze Chea Kon, as they reached Edsa Extension corner Sunrise Drive at the Mall of Asia Complex in Pasay City.

After the robbery, the driver ordered Kon to alight the taxicab. The victim immediately reported the incident to police that led to Sajul’s arrest during a follow-up operation.

Police Colonel Bernard Yang, station commander of Pasay police, said the suspect planned to use the money for gambling purposes.

Sajul was taken under custody at Pasay City police station and will face charges for robbery and violation of the Omnibus Election Code for possession of deadly weapon. /jpv