LOOK: Puppy snatched away and dropped by owl luckily recovers


A 12-week-old puppy in Arizona, United States is now recovering after it was suddenly snatched away by an owl and dropped at a golf course later.

The puppy named Latte was let outside the home of its foster parent Bonnie Ziegler for a supervised potty break, along with three others. This happened last Friday, March 29, as per AZFamily.com.

Ziegler said that she was on the lookout if bobcats or coyotes were on the loose. However, she “forgot about the owls.”

“I didn’t hear a sound and the other puppies didn’t bark,” Ziegler said of Latte’s disappearance. “It was as if she just vanished.”

A group of golfers at the local country club found the pup later that afternoon. Once Ziegler and her husband spotted her, they rushed her to the vet.

Ziegler said that Latte sustained a fractured lung and puncture marks. “Trauma, her face was swollen from trauma,” she described the pup’s condition.

She and her husband thought the owl dropped the puppy as it was too heavy, or its fur may have been too thick to carry.

As per the Foothills Animal Rescue Facebook page on Tuesday, April 2, Latte has since recovered after spending the weekend at a veterinary clinic. Funds have also been raised to shoulder the pup’s medical expenses. Katrina Hallare/JB


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