Heart relic of healing saint leaves PH

MANILA, Philippines — The heart relic of St. Camillus de Lellis left the country on Monday after a two-month visit.

The head coordinator of the trip, Camillian Fr. Dan Cancino, said he was “surprised” by the devotion of thousands of Filipinos to the heart relic, but he said the devotion should continue.

“The tour may have ended in the Philippines, but we should continue the journey by also visiting hospitals, prisons and helping the needy,” he said in a statement.

The incorrupt heart relic of St. Camillus de Lellis drew thousands of devotees during its tour in 22 archdioceses and dioceses in the country.

It was also brought to 29 hospitals, 15 parishes, and 12 houses for the elderly, including homes for sick priests and nuns.

“In our lifetime we are fortunate to witness the heart of St. Camillus,” Fr. Cancino said.

The heart relic arrived in Manila last Feb. 2 and is now bound for Indonesia.

St. Camillus de Lellis is known as the patron saint of the sick, health workers and hospitals. /ee

READ: Incorrupt heart of St. Camillus to arrive in PH on Feb. 2 — CBCP