After cheating on husband, Chinese woman gives birth to twins having different dads Stock Photo
In a rare case, a woman in Xiamen City, China, gave birth to fraternal twins having two different fathers after she admitted to having cheated on her husband.
The unidentifed couple had the twins undergo a paternity test as part of the city’s legal process, The Strait Herald via The Sun reported on Tuesday.
The report said the father had long wondered why his twins do not look alike, as one baby has eyes, mouth and nose different from his.
When they got the results of the paternity test, the woman confessed that she had a one-night stand with another man.
“I obviously still want my own child, but I’m unwilling to raise someone else’s,” the father was quoted as saying in the report.
Her case can be classified as “superfecundation,” in which two or more eggs are fertilized by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse, resulting in twin babies having two different fathers. Katrina Hallare /ra
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