Water supply for Maracas residents

ON Dec. 23, residents of Maracas, Nivel, Plaza Housing and PBN areas will get perhaps one of the best Christmas gifts – a steady supply of potable water.

The Metropolitan Cebu Water District will start giving water supply to these areas two days before Christmas.

MCWD has temporarily lifted the suspension of new water service connection application in these areas, the first time for more than a decade.

The water district invested millions and acquired new technology in producing water in order to serve the “thirsty areas.”

Production and Distribution Department Manager Astrophel Logarta said the water district now has enough water supply to accommodate about 700 water service connection applications.

Applicants must attend the orientation seminar at the MCWD office every Wednesday and Saturday at 9 a.m.

The applicants are also advised to transact only at the MCWD office.

MCWD is warning them that those who visit their place and offer to facilitate the processing of their application for a fee are not authorized MCWD agents.