Comelec suspends anew canvassing of BOL plebiscite votes

MANILA, Philippines  – The Commission on Elections (Comelec), seating as the National Plebiscite Board of Canvassers, suspended on Tuesday afternoon the canvassing of votes for the second round of the Bangsamoro Organic Law plebiscite.

The decision to suspend the canvassing of votes was arrived at since certificates of canvass from four municipalities in North Cotabato – Midsayap, Cabacan, Pikit and Pigkawayan have yet to be verified.

“Considering that the reports of the working groups, it is clear that we cannot finish the tabulation today, I think we have to declare a recess and we will re-convene tomorrow at 2 p.m.,” Comelec chairman Sheriff Abas said.

The certificates of canvass from the municipalities of Carmen and Aleosan in North Cotabato and the province of Lanao del Norte have already been canvassed.

This is the second straight day that the Comelec suspended its canvassing of votes for the February 6 plebiscite.

The first suspension was declared last Monday after the Comelec only canvassed 20 percent of the total votes./gsg

READ: Comelec postpones announcement of 2nd BOL plebiscite results to Tuesday