Army gives Pacquiao testimonial parade for boxing feat

SENIOR MASTER SGT. PACQUIAO. Manny Pacquiao is feted by the Philippine Army with a testimonial parade at the Hunters ROTC Guerilla Parade Ground at the Army headquarters in Fort Bonifacio Tuesday for his accomplishments in boxing. Pacquiao is a reservist with the rank of Senior Master Sergeant. KATE EVANGELISTA/

MANILA, Philippines – (UPDATE 2) The Philippine Army on Tuesday gave Saranggani Representative Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao a testimonial parade and review in recognition of his accomplishments in boxing.

The ceremony was held at the Hunters ROTC Guerilla Parade Ground at the Army headquarters in Fort Bonifacio.

The testimonial parade is the Army’s way of recognizing Pacquiao’s performance as an outstanding sportsman and a member of the Philippine Army.

“Not only the House of Representatives has ran out of awards and accolades with which to honor him for his great victories but also for the Philippine Army as well. It is in this light that we bestow him this testimonial review and recognition for his exceptional achievements and valuable account of glory and the great prestige he brought to our organization, the Philippine Army and our country,” Army Commanding General Lieutenant General Arturo Ortiz said in his speech during the ceremony.

“As a reservist in the Philippine Army, Senior Master Sergeant Pacquiao has never failed to inspire his fellow soldiers,” Colonel Antonio Parlade, Jr., Army spokesman, said in a separate statement.

“His excellent personal discipline and quest for excellence are worthy of emulation,” he added.
He also encouraged army troops to emulate Pacquiao.

“My fellow soldiers, let’s use as an inspiration the accomplishments of our ‘national fist’ in performing our duties as Filipino soldiers, let his life’s story guide us so that we can boost our trust in each other’s abilities for the development and growth of the Philippine Army,” Ortiz said in Filipino.

During the ceremony, Pacquiao was given a medallion, which is usually given to senior military officials or visiting dignitaries and a plaque of recognition, citing the sportsman’s “outstanding accomplishment which brought lasting honor to the Philippine Army and the Filipino people as a whole.”

Pacquiao was also given a statuette of Filipino hero Andres Bonifacio which had Pacquiao’s name engraved on it.

In his speech, Pacquio said in Filipino that he was happy that he “brought honor not only to himself, his family but more importantly to the country and most especially to the Philippine Army” of which he is a part of.

Pacquiao said he wished that his life serve as an inspiration, especially to those who want only better lives for themselves.

Pacquiao, enlisted in the Army’s reserve force in April 2007, was given a Sergeant rank.

Pacquiao was promoted several times since then and is currently holding the title of Command Sergeant Major of the 15th Ready Reserve Division of the Philippine Army.

Pacquiao has also been a recipient of numerous awards and recognition from the military, including the Philippine Legion of Honor with the Degree of Officer given to him during the 73rd anniversary of the AFP in 2008 and the Outstanding Achievement Medal given last Sept. 4, 2009.