Duterte certifies pension bill for uniformed men as urgent

President Duterte will certify as urgent a bill seeking to reform the pension system for military and other uniformed personnel.

At a press briefing on Thursday, presidential spokes-person Salvador Panelo expressed optimism that the bill, which sets the pensionable and retirement age at 60, instead of the current 56, would not cost President Duterte the military’s all-out support.

“No, I don’t think so … If you retire at 56, you have no more job, not unless you get appointed. If it’s at 60, you can still work for four additional years,” he said.

The Department of National Defense has recommended a pension system setting the compulsory retirement age at 60, with the retiree required to have 20 years of satisfactory active service.

Those who are in the active service but opt to retire early would still get their pension, but only when they reach 60 years old. —JULIE M. AURELIO