Comelec: Trouble-free Bangsamoro plebiscite in Lanao del Norte and North Cotabato


MANILA, Philippines – The second stage of the plebiscite for the inclusion of the newly established Bangsamoro region on Wednesday proceeded as scheduled, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) said on Wednesday.

Comelec spokesperson James Jimenez said that as early as 8:30 a.m., all precincts in Lanao del Norte and North Cotabato have opened.

The second plebiscite covers six municipalities of Lanao del Norte – Baloi, Munai, Nunungan, Pantar, Tagaloan and Tangkal and 39 barangays in the municipalities of Aleosan, Carmen, Cabacan, Midsayap, Pigkawayan and Pikit in North Cotabato.

“In Cotabato [City], there were reports that teachers received threatening messages beforehand and that is why they did not show up for their plebiscite duties,” Jimenez said in a press briefing.

“Now, we had no problems with teachers. There are reports that we used alternates, but hindi naman tayo naubusan ng alternates kasi dumating naman ang mga teachers,” Jimenez added.

Jimenez was referring to the experience of some teachers during the first part of the plebiscite conducted in some areas in the areas of ARMM and the cities of Cotabato and Isabela last January 21.

According to reports, some precincts opened late after some teachers refused to show up after receiving threats from members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. /gsg

READ: Disenfranchisement, delayed opening of voting precincts mar Cotabato Bangsamoro plebiscite