KMU leader believes Aquino getting back at SC for Hacienda Luisita ruling

MANILA, Philippines – President  Benigno Aquino III’s tirade against the Supreme Court (SC) during the first National Criminal Justice Summit Monday was his way of exacting revenge after the Hacienda Luisita ruling, a militant leader said Thursday.

In a Radyo Inquirer 990 AM report quoting Elmer Labog, chairman of the militant group Kilusang Mayo Uno, said that Aquino wanted to get back at Chief Justice Renato Corona and the SC for their decision to distribute the Hacienda Luisita land to the farmers, which was owned by his family.

The group called for the citizens and workers to remain vigilant and to fight for the unconditional distribution of the Hacienda Luisita land to the farmers, the report said.

In Aquino’s 10-minute speech at the summit, he lambasted the SC for their decision to junk the Truth Commission, for the move to stop the Department of Justice to implement a watchlist order against Arroyo, and for the alleged midnight appointment of Chief Justice Corona.

The SC ordered the distribution of Hacienda Luisita’s 5,000 hectares of land to the farmers after 14 justices voted unanimously on November 24.  Matikas Santos,