QC launches healthy living campaign

To reduce deaths, illnesses and injuries due to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) — the leading cause of death worldwide—Quezon City has launched #healthierQC, a campaign encouraging a healthier diet for the youth.

This means increasing the consumption of nutritious food and water while avoiding junk food, processed food and sugary drinks.

The initiative is in collaboration with Partnership for Healthy Cities (PHC), a global network of cities led by Michael R. Bloomberg, a World Health Organization global ambassador for NCDs and former New York City mayor.

Quezon City will work alongside Bloomberg Philanthropies and implementing partner Vital Strategies to launch proven solutions in saving lives and improving environments for people.

“We are committed to building capacities so that our residents can have longer, healthier and happier lives. We encourage the community — our parents, teachers, schools and our youth — to get behind #healthierQC. Nutritious diets are a better way of showing how much we care for our family,” said Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista.