Electric coop worker gunned down in Masbate

LEGAZPI CITY— An electric cooperative worker suspected to be a military informer was shot and killed in San Fernando town in Masbate province Thursday noon, a police report said.

Eddie Masdo, 50, an employee of the Ticao Island Electric Cooperative (TISELCO) and a resident of Batuan town, was shot dead by a group of armed men at around 12 noon in Barangay Progreso, Chief Insp. Maria Luisa Calubaquib, Bicol police spokesperson, said.

The victim and a co-worker came from a project inspection in Barangay Lahong, also in San Fernando, when armed men accosted and ordered him to drop to the ground in Barangay Talisay. The victim was subsequently hogtied and dragged to a place where he was later shot and killed.

The victim’s body was left along the national highway in Barangay Progreso while his unidentified companion was left unharmed, Calubaquib said.

An investigation is ongoing as of Thursday night. /ee