A man with a standing warrant of arrest was arrested in Quezon City shortly after applying for a police clearance at the Quezon City Hall Complex.
Reports from the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) on Wednesday said a certain Jaime Alicaycay, 56, from Area A Baga, Barangay Botocan in Quezon City, tried to apply for the clearance on Tuesday morning.
However, Alicaycay’s name registered a ‘hit’ when it was entered in the database of the Philippine National Police (PNP) e-warrant system.
Police said Alicaycay has a standing arrest warrant for reckless imprudence resulting in damage to property, issued by Judge Josephus Joannes Asis of the Quezon City Metropolitan Trial Court Branch 40.
The case was filed on March 9, 2018, with a recommended bail of P2,000. Alicaycay is now in the custody of the QCPD. /muf