Fireman nabbed in QC for using shabu

Police arrested on Friday a Senior Fire Officer 1 (SFO1) for allegedly using shabu inside an apartelle in Quezon City.

A report from the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) said a couple in the apartelle noticed a hole in the wall of the room that they had rented.

Police said the couple then peeped through the hole and saw SFO1 Paulo Emmanuel Perea, 31, allegedly in the act of using shabu inside the adjacent room. The couple then reported what they saw to authorities.

Quezon City police officers then went to the apartelle and caught Perea in the act of using shabu.

Seized from the suspect were drug paraphernalia including plastic sachets with traces of suspected shabu.

Police said Perea was assigned to the Bureau of Fire Protection – Office of the Regional Director in National Capital Region.

Perea is now under police custody as criminal charges are being prepared for filing against him. /muf