2 nabbed in drug buy-bust operation in Quezon City

MANILA, Philippines — A Chinese national and his Filipino accomplice were arrested in possession with one kilo of shabu (methamphetamine hydrochloride)during a buy-bust operation in Quezon City early Wednesday morning.

The police identified the suspects as Kevin Yu, 27, a resident of San Roque, Tarlace, and Benigno Rapsing, 29, from Sampaloc, Manila.

According to Senior Police Officer 1 Juan Solares of the Quezon City Police District Station 1, a policeman disguised as a drug buyer met the suspects at the corner of Mayon and P. Florentino Streets while the other policemen waited for the deal to push through.

A handgun, P2 million in cash and a car were also recovered from the suspects.

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