Boys rescued from Thai cave ordained at Buddhist temple

Soccer coach Ekkapol Chanthawong, front, and members of the soccer team who were rescued from a flooded cave, attend a Buddhist ceremony as they prepare to be ordained as Buddhist monks and novices in the Mae Sai district, Chiang Rai province, northern Thailand on July 25, 2018. AP

MAE SAI, Thailand — The young soccer teammates and their coach who were rescued after being trapped in a cave in northern Thailand have been ordained at a Buddhist temple, a merit-making activity to show thanks for their rescue.

The 11 boys, ages 11 to 16, became Buddhist novices in a Wednesday ceremony, while their 25-year-old coach was ordained as a monk. One boy did not participate because he isn’t Buddhist.

The group prepared for their ordinations on Tuesday with ceremonies that included shaving their heads.

Buddhist males in Thailand are traditionally expected to enter the monkhood at some point in their lives. A major reason for the boys to make the gesture was to give thanks for the former Thai navy SEAL who died while taking part in the operation to rescue them. /ee