Celebrity doc Joel Mendez nabbed for rape complaint

Joel Mendez

A cosmetic surgeon and celebrity doctor accused of rape was arrested by the Mandaluyong City Police after two years in hiding.

Dr. Joel Mendez, who was accused of two counts of rape and attempted rape by a minor, was arrested on Thursday night, according to a spot report from the Eastern Police District.


Joint operatives from the Mandaluyong Intelligence Unit, Tactical Motorcycle Riders, Women and Children’s Police Desk and Mobile Patrol Unit collared Mendez at the basement parking of a condominium in Mandaluyong City.

Mendez was arrested based on a warrant of arrest issued by Mandaluyong City Regional Trial Court Branch 214 Judge Imelda Portes-Saulog  in 2016.

He was detained at the Mandaluyong Police Station but was released after posting bail.