P8.84-million worth of marijuana plants burned in Kalinga

Police and agents of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency destroyed fully-grown marijuana worth P8.84 million at 16 plantation sites in Kalinga province on Friday (June 29) and Saturday (June 30) according to the PDEA Cagayan Valley office.

They uprooted and burned 8,200-fully grown marijuana plants (worth P2.91-million) at two plantation sites in Barangay (village) Loccong in Tinglayan town on Friday. The PDEA agents also seized 10-kilograms of marijuana stalks.

In Buscalan village on June 30, the police and agents destroyed 29,650 fully-grown marijuana plants (worth P5.93 Million) in 14 marijuana plantation sites.

Agents from the PDEA’s Ilocos, Cordillera and Cagayan Valley offices took part in the two-day operation along with Kalinga and Cagayan Valley policemen. The agency did not say whether they managed to arrest the marijuana farmers. /je