AFP chief vows ‘transparent’ probe of Samar misencounter

Armed Forces of the Philippines chief Gen. Carlito Galvez Jr. assured the public Tuesday that there will be no cover up in the ongoing investigation of the misencounter between the military and police in Samar.

“We have already mounted joint and independent investigations and we assure you that these will be transparent and that no cover up will be allowed to happen in our mutual desire to discover the actual circumstances of our actions,” he said in a statement.

Six policemen and nine others were wounded after Army soldiers fired at them after mistakenly identifying them as communist rebels while conducting minor operations in Barangay Sta. Rosa in Villareal town on Monday.

Police also returned fire during the 20-minute clash.

READ: 6 policemen killed, 9 more hurt in Samar misencounter

“Our efforts moving forward from this are to assess our existing coordinative processes and systems with our brothers in the Philippine National Police so that similar unfortunate incidents will not happen again,” Galvez said.

The AFP chief extended his “sincerest” and “heartfelt” condolences to the loved ones of the fatalities in the misencounter. /ee

READ: PNP orders probe of misencounter between police, military in Samar