PDEA to deploy more than 200 new agents in war vs drugs

The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) announced on Tuesday that it would deploy more than 200 new agents to strengthen its war against drugs.

PDEA Director General Aaron N. Aquino said the 215 new Drug Enforcement Officers (DEO) agents of the anti-drug agency would be deployed to the various operational services and regional offices of the PDEA.

The agents, Aquino said in a press statement, would specifically be assigned to the PDEA’s Special Enforcement Service, Intelligence and Investigation Service, Compliance Service, and to its various regional offices.

Aquino added that the 215 agents are tasked to “monitor the seaports and airports and will be involved in the detection of smuggled illegal drugs.”

Aquino said the agents graduated on June 14 from the PDEA Academy where they were trained for six months.   /muf