Ex-police official Garma cited for contempt in quad comm hearing

MANILA, Philippines — Former police Col. Royina Garma has been cited for contempt for lying and providing evasive replies during the House of Representatives quad committee hearing on Thursday.

Garma was being asked by Abang Lingkod party-list Rep. Joseph Stephen Paduano about her link to former President Rodrigo Duterte, given that she gained important positions in the government during the Duterte administration.

Garma denied these assertions from Paduano, leading the lawmaker to move for her contempt citation. 

“You still have ten years supposedly before you retire, ten years, but you opted for early retirement. Then, in less than a month, according to you it’s just 15 days, you were assigned to PCSO (Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office). Then a while ago lawmakers asked you, ‘Are you close to the president, because of those promotions?’ You said maybe; everything’s maybe,” Paduano said.

“Now I will ask you, are you special and close to the former president? Yes or no only […] Oh why can’t you answer? This is just simple,” he asked again.

“No, Mr. Chair, because you said am I close or special to the president […] Mr. Chair, I’m not close, I was fired, I was even placed on floating [status] before during his time,” Garma replied.

But upon further examination from Paduano, Garma changed her tone, being open to the possibility of her being “special” to Duterte.

“I was asking you a while ago, we are just running in circles. Now given you were floated 2011, but after that, all of the positions you got were juicy, you can never stay, you toured Davao, and you will not be deployed as [head of] CIDG (Criminal Investigation and Detection Group) in Region 7 […] if you are not close to the president,” Paduano said.

“You’re telling me that it’s the Chief PNP (Philippine National Police)? Now if it’s the Chief PNP, why were you appointed PCSO general manager 15 days after retirement if you’re not chosen, if you’re not close, if you’re not special to the president?” Paduano asked again. “Why are you not answering?”

“Perhaps, Mr. Chair, I am special,” Garma answered.

A brief discussion ensued after Paduano’s motion, leading Garma to be emotional over the lawmakers’ decision. Manila 6th District Rep. Bienvenido Abante Jr. initially opposed the motion as he wanted to ask questions, but the other committee officials said Abante could still ask even if Garma was cited for contempt.

The former police officer, who served as general manager of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office, was invited by the quad-committee because she was linked to the killing of three Chinese nationals detained at the Davao Prison and Penal Farm in August 2016.

Earlier, Bureau of Corrections S/Supt. Gerardo Padilla admitted again that Garma talked to him regarding the killing of the Chinese nationals.

Garma was deemed detained at the Correctional Institute for Women in Mandaluyong because the House detention facility is already full, but 1-Rider party-list Rep. Bonifacio Bosita moved that she be held at the PNP Custodial Center to ensure her safety, as she was a former police official.

Eventually, it was agreed upon that Garma would be detained at the House premises until the quad-committee finishes its hearings.