DOH finalizing procurement of flu vaccines

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health (DOH) said on Thursday it was now finalizing the procurement process for 5 million doses of vaccines in preparation for the peak of flu season starting in August.

In a Viber message to reporters, the department said that the vaccines may also be delivered next month.

READ: DOH: Consider steps taken during pandemic vs seasonal flu

“The Department of Health (DOH) is currently finalizing the procurement of the flu vaccines, with an estimated delivery time of August. The vaccination program for senior citizens will run until the end of the year,” the DOH said.

“The data for influenza-like illnesses is currently being processed,” it added.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), seasonal influenza, or flu, is an “acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses.”

It spreads easily among people through coughing or sneezing, but most people recover without treatment.

READ: DOH notes drop in cases of influenza-like illnesses nationwide

However, vaccination remains the best way to prevent the disease, said the WHO.

Among the symptoms are “acute onset of fever, cough, sore throat, body aches and fatigue.”

READ: Bird flu vaccine available in PH soon