European Parliament: Let De Lima do her duties
European lawmakers arrive at the PNP detention center in Camp Crame to visit Sen. Leila de
Lima on Wednesday. RICHARD A. REYES /
The European Parliament’s subcommittee on human rights on Thursday urged the government to let Sen. Leila de Lima do her duties including her participation in legislative proposals.
The four-member DROI delegation that visited the Philippines last July 18 to 20 was led by Soraya Post (S&D, SE) and composed of Ádám Kósa (EPP, HU), Josef Weidenholzer (S&D, AT) and Rikke Karlsson (ECR, DK).
“(We) called on the authorities of the Philippines to guarantee a fair trial to the senator let her fulfill a senator’s duties including voting in the Senate,” it said in a statement.
De Lima was detained last February after being accused of receiving payoffs from convicted drug lords at the New Bilibid Prison.
READ: EU Parliament calls for release of De Lima
Meanwhile, an international political group will visit Sen. Leila de Lima on Saturday at Camp Crame to check on her condition.
“Liberal International President Dr. Juli Minoves Triquell and LI Human Rights Committee Chairman Markus Loning will visit Sen. Leila de Lima on Saturday at Camp Crame Custodial Center,” an advisory from the senator said.
They will be joined by the representatives of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation—Philippines including FNF-PH President Wolfgang Heinze.
The visitors will look into the condition and situation of the senator as well as the status of the cases file against her, the advisory read. Frances Mangosing / JPV/rga