‘Habagat’ death toll rises to 14
Children play in floodwaters after heavy southwest monsoon rains inundated low-lying areas of San Mateo and nearby provinces Sunday, Aug. 14, 2016, in San Mateo township, Rizal province east of Manila, Philippines. Thousands of residents living along a swollen river were forced to evacuate following heavy rains that inundated low-lying areas in Metropolitan Manila and at least four provinces in the country’s Luzon island. AP Photo
Deaths from the monsoon rains that started last week have increased to 14, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said.
In a report on Wednesday night, the NDRRMC said the additional unidentified fatality was previously reported missing in Palawan.
“The victim went fishing despite unfavorable weather and sea condition in Barangay (village) Calasaguen in Brooke’s Point on August 13,” the NDRRMC said.
The rains, which were caused by the southwest monsoon (habagat) also left eight persons missing while the number of wounded persons stood at six.
There were still 17,896 persons housed in evacuation centers. A total of 262,271 persons affected in Calabarzon, Western Visayas, National Capital Region and Cordillera Administrative Region.
The NDRRMC also reported that 24 roads have not been passable in the provinces of Abra, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga and La Union.
While the southwest monsoon continued to prevail in Northern and Central Luzon, the weather has improved in most parts of Luzon as of Thursday. IDL/rga
Habagat deaths rise to 7; affected exceed 150,000 — NDRRMC