Corona’s ‘crown jewels’ from 2002 to 2010
THE EVIDENCE, PLEASE Enriqueta Vidal, clerk of court of the Supreme Court and the first witness in the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona, shows a copy of Corona’s statement of assets, liabilities and net worth (SALN) on the third day of the impeachment trial at the Senate on Wednesday. AP
Copies of Chief Justice Renato Corona’s statements of assets, liabilities and net worth (SALNs) from 2002 to 2010 were obtained by the Inquirer late last night. They are summaries without detailing properties and other assets.
Based on his SALNs, these were Corona’s total net worth per year:
2002 – P14.96 million
2003 – P7.359 million
2004 – P7.359 million
2005 – P8.359 million
2006 – P9.559 million
2007 – P11.059 million
2008 – P12.559 million
2009 – P14.559 million
2010 – P22.938 million
In his 2002 SALN, Corona listed a land donated to him in 1970 worth P52,410 (current market value: P5.1 million); built a house for P16,870 (P2 million) and purchased a land in 1992 worth P30,000 (P3 million).
In his 2003 SALN, he listed a house and lot donated to him in 1970 worth P337,820 (P7.1 million); a land worth P172,500 (P3 million); a condominium unit acquired in 1997 worth P276,320 (P921,080); and a land in 2003 for P450,000 (P3 million). He listed the same assets in his 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 SALN.
In his 2010 SALN, he listed additional properties such as a condominium unit in Makati acquired in 2003 for P726,000 (current market value: P1.2 million); a condominium unit in Taguig acquired in 2004 worth P1.4 million (current market value: P2.3 million) and another condominium unit acquired in 2010 for P3.4 million (current market value: P6.8 million).
All three additional properties were acquired on installment.